Mittal Steel Fire / Rescue - Coatesville, PA

Run Stats
Gear Locker

07/25/05  -  New Equipment In-Service

The department has recently placed into service several new pieces of equipment.  Earlier this month, we placed into service a Bullard Thermal Imaging Camera.  This camera was recieved from the Chester County Department of Emergency Services through a FEMA grant.  The camera has already been used at two fires and is a great addition.  Also placed into service today were two Zoll AED's.  They are now in-service at our Medical Building along with our ARC Office.  We would like to thank our plant manager Dave Wirick in helping us obtain the AED's.  THANK YOU AGAIN to the Chester DES and Mr. Wirick!!!!!!

07/24/05 - Utility 75 gets a "NEW LOOK"


The department would like to thank the Mittal Steel Garage personnel for completing an in-house rehab to Utility 75.  The Garage did an excellent job repairing the rust problems and also removing the old enclosure.  After the Grage was done, department members added a scotchlite strip down both sides for and replaced the warning lights.

07/12/05  -  Welcome To BJ

The members of the department would like to welcome BJ March to the to company.  BJ has been hired to fill an upcoming retirement vacancy.  He has been a volunteer member with the Coatesville Fire Department for many years and presently serves as Captain 41.  Welcome to the "other side" of the green fence.... Cheeries.

07/01/05  -  Engine Assist to Station 44


On Friday afternoon at approx. 14:20 hours, Station 75 personnel recieved a call at the station reporting a building on fire at the IMS property.  Engine 75 responded and advised Chester County to have Station 44 dispatched due to possibly being their call.  Engine 75 arrived to find a working building fire in a 50' x 25' maintenance building.  Crews quickly placed in service a 1 1/2" handline and had the fire under control quickly.  Engine 44-5 arrived and supplied Engine 75 due to there being no hydrants on the property.  Units on the scene: Engine 75, Engine 44-5, Engine 44-6, Tac 44, Ambulance 44, Engine 37-2 (Modena) and the Chester County Fire Marshal's office.

05/02/05 - Engine 75 is Back In Service


On Monday evening, Engine 75 was returned to service after having some transmission work done.  Engine 43 was returned to the City that evening.  Our thanks goes out again to the Coatesville City F.D. for their assistance in helping us keep an engine company in the mill. While in the mill, Engine 43 ran a few small fires. Thanks again to the CFD!!!






139 Modena Road * Coatesville, PA 19320
(610)383-2890 - Phone
(610)383-2856 - Fax